Benefits of Creating a Pinterest Clone 

Pinterest is a social networking site that lets users create collections that are based on a theme. Users can collect images of themes that interest them and collect them on their theme board. This enables people with similar interests to connect with each other. Since theme boards are image based, the visual appeal of this site is much more than others. This is one of the main reasons for the huge popularity of pinterest. Pinterest was launched in March 2010 and is currently managed using funds from certain inventors and entrepreneurs. This site has several categories such as art, fashion, sports, home design, humor, film, cars and travel. Images are known as pins.

Users can manage, sort, save and upload pins. Pins are not restricted to pinterest alone. Hence, one can upload images from his or her computer or from other websites. Registration is required to access all features of this site. Users of this site are predominantly women. According to estimates, more than 80 percent of the total US users of this social networking site are women. Pinterest has recorded impressive ever since it came into being. Pinterest has the distinction of being the fastest website to get 10 million unique visitors in a month.

Valued at around 1.5 billion dollars, Pinterest is one of the quickest growing social networking service providers in the world today. Ben Silbermann is its founder. As is the case with most social networking sites, Pinterest is of particular interest to businesses and entrepreneurs. This is because it is a valuable marketing tool. Strategists and retail companies can use this site to collect data regarding various products and services. As a result of the huge popularity of this site among users and businesses, a lot of pinterest clone sites have sprung up. Such sites mimic most aspects of pinterest including style, function and design. Pinterest clone script are available for those who wish to create their own website that resembles the original pinterest site.

There are several such scripts available in the market today. Each will have certain unique features. It is always best to try out a few scripts before making a selection. This way, one can identify the pinterest script best suited to his or her needs. Most of the popular scripts have a demo version that one can try out. Using such scripts, strategists can create a pinterest clone site and manage categories and users. Depending on the interest generated by the category and users, they can get an idea of the current market trends. Along with pinterest, pinterest clone sites are gaining popularity on a daily basis. A lot of businesses have realized the potential advantages of utilizing such sites as a marketing tool.          


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